nMars - Feedback
Opinions and Contributions
I would love to hear your opinion. Please open new thread on rec.games.corewars or send me email.
If you would like to contribute more, there are some tasks
- Bugs - please feed it into bugzilla or send it by email
- Code review: I'm used to use some parts of extreme programming, code review is one.
If you can spend some time to review my code I will be very happy.
Please drop me an email before you start, so I can tell you what needs your attention.
- Links: If you like my effort, please add link to your pages to http://nmars.sourceforge.net/
Looking forward to hear you opinion, Thanks !
Developement Tasks
- Please see Road map
- and TODO list
- Code contribution: I'm open for code contribution to nMars, send me an email to agree on it.
Project home is currently at http://nmars.sourceforge.net/
Source code can be found at https://nmars.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nmars/trunk/